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Incorporating Locally Sourced into Your Montana Home

Montana is known for its vast landscapes and rich agricultural history. With a strong focus on sustainability and supporting local businesses, it’s no surprise that many Montanans strive to incorporate locally sourced materials into their homes. From furniture to decor, there are countless ways to bring a touch of Montana’s natural beauty into your home.

Here are some tips on how to incorporate locally sourced materials into your Montana home:

Salvaged Wood

  1. Using salvaged wood in your home is a great way to give it a rustic Montana feel. This could include using reclaimed barn wood for flooring or accent walls, or incorporating reclaimed wood furniture pieces such as tables or shelving. Salvaged wood not only adds character to your home but also helps reduce waste by repurposing materials.

Stone and Rock

  1. Montana is home to a wide variety of natural stones and rocks, making it a perfect material to incorporate into your home. Whether it’s using local stones for your fireplace or creating a garden pathway using river rocks, adding natural elements to your home can make it feel like a part of the Montana landscape.


  1. Montana is known for its wool industry, with many ranches raising sheep and producing high-quality wool products. Incorporating wool into your home décor, such as using wool blankets or rugs, not only adds a cozy touch but also supports local businesses.

Pottery and Ceramics

  1. Montana is home to many talented potters and ceramic artists. Adding locally made pottery or ceramics to your home, such as vases or dinnerware, is a great way to support the local arts community while also adding unique and handmade touches to your décor.

Antlers and Horns

  1. Incorporating antlers and horns into your home décor is a classic Montana touch. Whether it’s using antlers as candle holders or creating a chandelier using deer or elk antlers, these natural elements add a rustic and authentic Montana feel to your home. They make a great story too if you went out and found them yourself!

Incorporating locally sourced materials into your home not only supports the local community but also adds a unique and personal touch to your living space. By using natural materials and elements found in Montana, you can create a home that feels like a part of the stunning Montana landscape.


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